
PC 205® Wax Pattern Cleaner

Do the environment — and yourself — a favor. Check out our environmentally friendly alternative wax cleaners.

PC 205® Wax Cleaner, a standard for over 25 years, is an environmentally friendly alternative to the harsh solvents previously used to etch pattern waxes for the investment casting process. Etching your wax patterns is an absolute must to prepare the wax surface for optimal slurry adhesion which reduces casting defects caused by coat lifting. An etched surface is important to help break the surface tension of water-based slurries…. PC 205® does that! Art to aerospace everyone can make better castings!

PC 205® is easy to use right from the drum, easy to rinse with ambient temperature water which provides a great foundation to make the best castings you can make. It is a tried-and-true tool for the precision investment caster and has been for years.

Wait there is more! Customers using PC 205® can send a small sample of the current material in production to the Westech lab for testing to assure the highest level of purity and strength is maintained throughout the life of the product at your facility…for free! What a great way to keep a step of your process in control! Process control staff will be happy for sure!

What are you waiting for? Get the best to make the best!

Contact us today to learn more about Westech PC-205® Wax Pattern Cleaner

We think Westech’s Westech PC-205® Wax Cleaner should be renamed ‘The Eternal Pattern Cleaner’.”— RLM Inc.

We have been using PC 205® for years with great success; it is critical to good shell adhesion and our success in reducing adhesion related casting defects.” —CPP Industry

Please contact us today for further information, samples, wax analysis and more!