
Precision Investment Casting Manufacturing

Westech waxes are the very best quality waxes for your Precision Investment Casting process

Whether it be simple household machines, hardware and golf clubs, or gears, turbine blades, and other larger machine components with complex geometries, Precision Investment Casting (or PIC) has revolutionized the way that metal objects are produced.

Investment casting is the oldest known industrial process, dating back to ancient civilizations from over 5,000 years ago. After World War II, industry increasingly turned to investment casting to meet the high demand for the precision net shape manufacturing of metal parts that could not be fulfilled by traditional methods. Since then, the use of investment casting has spread to a variety of industrial applications that require complex metal parts.

The investment casting process creates a wax pattern that is almost identical to the final part in metal. The wax patterns are assembled to a wax “tree” full of parts and then is “invested” in a ceramic shell. Once the shell is completed, the wax is evacuated from the ceramic shell, or is “de-waxed”. Where the wax was in the shell is an exact form which will later be filled with metal. The Precision Investment Casting process produces such precise and reliable results, requiring little to no extra finishing steps so resource use is dramatically cut down, allowing for significantly faster production and cost efficiency.

The most important step of the PIC process is the creation of a high-quality wax pattern. The characteristics of a high-quality wax pattern important for successful precision casting include: specific melting temperatures, superior surface finish, exceptional flow properties and dimensional consistency. Westech offers a wide range of wax products with these essential qualities and more to elevate your PIC manufacturing production.

Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation with one of our wax experts.

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